This book was part of a display at the library - maybe because the local quilt show was earlier this month.
The subtitle is 'A scrapbook of quilting past and present'.
It contains amazing artworks featuring quilts, photos of antique quilts, short stories and old advertisements, lots of amusement and eye candy in these pages, fortunately it is all just for perusing there are no patterns.

This story titled 'Are You a Quilting Fanatic' by Ami Simms is hilarious.
It compares quilting fanatics with all other kinds of fanatics - like joggers, shoppers and cleaners.

She refutes her fanatacism with statements like:
"I only take my quilting supplies on vacation when I know I will have enough free time to make the effort worthwhile. Anything less than six minutes and I leave them at home."
"I only buy quilting supplies that I need, or may need at some point in the future."
The cleaning excuse is my all time favourite - "If you can step over it, walk around it, or put it off until later, then that's good enough for me."
This art work by Judy Wickersham Schauermann entitled 'Quilts for Sale is just amazing with the amount of detail.

An adult picture book - I am enjoying reading and looking at the pictures.
Hope your week is going well.
Happy Creating