I used the Red Tree to make this compendium to hold supplies for making Christmas cards.

On the inside there are pockets for the card and envelopes and places to keep pens.
Oh, and I included Rudolf here too - makes me smile every time I open it.

Best look a few more times before I wrap it.
I started the Christmas cards too - lucky there are not too many to send this year.

And the round tags in the left of the picture are a free download from here. Super cute.
A little activity in the kitchen too - tried out my new stocking cookie cutter on this gingerbread.
What is there to say - It worked a treat.

Conveniently they were ready for a morning tea taste test.

Thanks again Lisa the mug rug and mug work perfectly.
Another tree in the making.

Some quality time with Nomee and another little compendium for stationery.
These cats are the most gorgeous colours - I am liking this one very much also.

I put a handle on this one so that it can be carried easily by a young person.

This time the pockets are the other way, I think there will be some more of these before the week is out.

Hope your week is going well and you are where you want to be now.